Monday, August 13, 2007


i talked to my mom the other day and she mentioned something about moving to Myrtle Beach.. so I asked if she'd started to look at any houses.. she then responded with "we bought one"... yes it would have been nice to know ahead of time... haha.. but thats how things go around here... anyway.. my mom is moving to MB as soon as she sells her house in High Point and the trailer her and her husband have already in MB. I guess I'll be making my rounds this Christmas.. Virginia... NC and SC.. and crashing with friends when we come back "home" ie High Point to visit... or stay at my dad's though I've only spent the night there once in about.. well nearly 10 years... so it could be a good chance to catch up with ol' Ronnie... I just hope those same monsters that lived under my bed, which still sits in my old room -- untouched, aren't there any longer...


Unknown said...

You can stay with your adoptive parents! Of course, you will have to crash on an air mattress...

Patti said...

hmm...well, if you get lost in NY call guys can stay with me :)

Kaylyn said...

hmmm... can I move to Myrtle Beach too? sounds wonderful... ;)

Kaylyn said...

hey girl- under my links for "frugal living" go to Smart Spending Resources. I go by Faye's ideas about is so fantastic!